Obstacle Course

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1. Tire Run
Simply touch your toe on the ground inside of each of the tires.

2. Belly Crawl
Move forward under the rope on your belly to the end of the obstacle.

3. Back Crawl
You move under the rope on your back while raising the rope when necessary with your hands to clear your body.

4. Incline Bars
Raise yourself up and swing from one to the next. Get to the end and avoid dropping into the pit if you want fast time.

5. Incline Walls
Two 6-foot inverted walls. Using the gaps in the wall as steps climb to the top, press yourself up and vault over. Land on feet.

6. Teeter-totter
Walk up one side and get to the apex. Now delicately continue forward until the board reverses direction so you can get back to the ground.

7. Island Hopper
Jump from one log to another until the obstacle is negotiated. Miss, skip, fall off, or touch the ground and start over.

8. Rope Swing
Hold the rope, lift your legs and swing over the mud. Simple, yet tough.

9. Vaults
These vaults are too high to hurdle so you vault over the logs using one or both hands. Six in a row and you must go over each one. Take your time and get the rhythm and six are done faster than you think.

10. Cargo Net
Get on top of the net and find your way to the other side. It is up and down hill and is not very easy.

11. Easy Balancer
Walk up to the top of one log and down another to the ground. No running.

12. Tire Flip 
Large tires for the strong, smaller tires for the weak. 

13. Bag Hop
Here it is, no way around it. Grab a Berres Brothers Coffee bean bag. Keep the bag above your knees, if it goes below, you start over. Hop, baby steps, fall over and roll that is fine but keep that sack above your knees. Half of a football field/ 50 yards, nothing to it!